Monday, November 12, 2012

Fractals And Breast Cancer

Being that we've had a few weeks without class, it gave me time to do more research. My paper seems to becoming shorter on topics regarding fractals in medicine, but that is only because I have found so much information regarding my first two topics. I have already discussed (in previous posts) about using fractals to diagnose cervical cancer. In this week's post, the article that is attached is about how they are using fractals to detect breast cancer at an early stage. The article (link below) talks about how using a self similar fractal method to find ways and processes to diagnose breast cancer at an early stage, and even discusses how patients can be warned prior to the onset of breast cancer. The "warning" comes from the doctors reading the mammograms and using the fractal method to find specific patterns of microcalcifications and determine whether or not they may, in fact, be cancerous or pre-cancerous lesions. The article can be found