Sunday, September 23, 2012

Intro. To Fractals

This week in class we went over everyone's blogs from the previous week. We also listened to a webinar by Don Meyer. My personal opinion was that it was not very interesting, and I couldn't quite figure out exactly what point, or points, he was trying to get across.

Anyway, over the past week, I've begun to think about what topic I am going to cover for my final paper. So far, I think I'd like to discuss fractals. There are many ways to look at fractals, so I have to decide in which scenario I want to talk about them. For a quick look at a fractal zoom, click here: This shows what they are, but doesn't explain how they can make them, or discern them. This is one thing that I will be discussing in my paper.

The actual video starts with what looks like a drawing/picture, but then begins to zoom in on it, and you can see that each "original" branch is actually the same design, and has the same corresponding parts to the "original" picture.

More to come next week!

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