Monday, October 22, 2012

Fractals And Brain MRI's

So last week in class we started watching "Waiting for Superman", which was a documentary about charter schools. The movie-makers stand on it seemed to be that he is pro charter schools and the people he interviewed seemed to also think that charter schools are the end-all be-all of education.  While watching the movie, some of the claims came across as totally unbelievable, and others were shockingly true. It's sad to see statistics of our education system, yet nobody seems to care enough to try to change it in every school district.

Anyway, getting back to the purpose of the blog, I must discuss the progress of my paper. I have been conducting research for it and have come across some pretty amazing things that fractals are being used for in medicine. I have also come across things that are so involved and on such a higher level than I am, that I might as well be trying to read Japanese. Nevertheless, the information I am coming across is showing me that two separate fields (science and math) can come together and have amazing outcomes. Here is another article I came across that has to do with fractals and MRI's of the brain :

It's amazing what can be accomplished in both the worlds of science, medicine, and mathematics. I can't wait to research more and come across other interesting stuff! :-)

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